Crystal B Performance  (video link)

Joey Vincent (funny guy with a horn)

Heather Olson  (video link)

Michael and Renae (escape artist)

Jimmy Mowery  (video link)

Mackenzie Fish  (video link)

Buffalo Mountain Blue Grass  (video link)

Broken Record Band  (video link)

Diamonds and Whiskey  (video link)

Kopper and Kash  (video link)

Nashville Music Company  (video link)

Fuller Family Singers  (video link)

October Rose  (video link)

Jess Kelly Adams  (video link)

Pictures from Friday, January 21

PA Showman's Banquet  (picture link)

Coronation Banquet and Trade Show pictures  passcode;  fair22

Pictures from Thursday, January 20

Queen Coronation Event pictures  passcode is;  fair22